so sry no update jor~
tat genting trip i cant really update...
cos evry pic is so darn big and i dunno how to compress it ><
bo bian lo... skip it already >< if wan view...
jus go this blog http://euzan.blogspot.com/
anyway.. got a bad news... =(
i failed my MAT113,
lucky i can re-sit for it....
when i first heard..
i feel terrible..
i just cant make myself smile for 1 sec.
it is as if all effort is gone.
b4 final exam, work so hard....
didnt even sleep.
study til tommorow..
after taking tat exam....
straight stress some more...
wat i learn the whole semester...
go in straight blank blank....
F*CK la!
den sem break...
quite moody all the two weeks.
miss frens~
at S'ban work at dad's shop...
sien only....
lucky got good customer come. can chit chat....
den they buy things....
they happy i happy... ^^
den jus like tat... 2 week over...
jus hang out wif some frens for a few days....
the only thing tat made me happy was!!
hanging out with kim n his 2 gf!
=) thx.... appreciate it... thx kim!
both christmas and new year eve i spent it wif my buddy kim...
nvr regret for 1 sec.
only regret some1 didnt join me~ ><
anyway... that person regret as well XD
after college life started once again.
the moment of truth came....
my subject all are B+
B+ (sejarah oso a!)
but.... D- for MAT113
as expected........
my mood jus went down again.
den went apply for re-sit.... rm150... zzz
den life goes on...
happy to hear tat...
i finally can achieve something i wan to do badly
but quite stress oso... cos time has limit for me...
i haf to KO every aspect b4 14 February. (my strongest plan)
1. finish all revision for Mat113
2. Plan everything perfectly for NUC youth repertoire ( music club )
3. do more planning!
1 week b4 re-sit...
started revision....
evryday non-stop of doing maths from afternoon til midnight or 2am atleast.
work so dam hard....
alot of resistant such as DOTA, FB, music club.
but manage to avoid them..... =)
keep on doing revision.....
everytime dunno ask SAM & leader
thx guys...
help me alot....
1 day b4 Re-sit
mother of hell!
so many problems occured!
MUSIC CLUB! UNfinished revision....
shit lo!
issues just kept coming up.....
i nearly canceled the whole bloody club because of exhaustion and depression..
after seeking for advice from frens...
i finally decided nt to giv up....
i just insisted not to bother about that club until the exam is over.
so i just kept on struggling to finish the revision..
and i finally did it... THX SAM, owe u one.
when i go to bed....
so exhausted....
so many formula inside my memory...
just kept worrying tat i will forget T_T
den.... the day finally arrived....
i can gladly say that things got pretty smooth.
at least not all my effort is wasted.
den, 95% concentration to MUSIC club....
get ready the forms~
set up a booth for membership drive....
things jus got better & worse....
members are adding in....
mostly are negro @@ interesting ^^
i got sick because of exhaustion...
lack of sleep....
soar throat.... zzz
lost my voice.....
tommorrow is AGM..
no choice but to hand it to my buddies to take care of the speech... sry~ paiseh
got alot of support from my fellow committees member. thx guys!
the 2nd day of membership drive is pretty good as well....
and now.... a grand total of 70+ member is gathered...
hope tat tommorow's AGM will run smoothly and hope tat everyone vote for me o! ^^
and as for now.... ^^ jus updating this blog...
awaits for the glory of tommorow....
where i can be a president of the music club officially.
hope tat all is not wasted....
tats all.... byebye ^^
ReplyDeletehey..mek me dizy la..next time dnt space so much~!>.<"
im sure u know the "sum1" vry well leh~
ReplyDeletei find her vry "similar" wif u.. haha
kk lar.... dun space lor~ ^^ haha