well well well.... XD so fast sem 2 is going o! one blink eye presentation sudah over pulak.... this time leh... got some some to write oni lar.. ^^ where to start leh?
once upon of time...nonononono....
last weekend..... XD
at home jus goyang leg.... nth to do... presentation a few days away but dun hav
the OOMHH oso....
dun hav the excitement like sem 1....
so jus online fb lor..
until monday...started to memorise script lo.. play wif the slide.. put alot xiao xiao punya picture..... den....
TUESDAY! omg. finally realise tomolo is presentation day.. the 'OOMHH' come liao... sei mou?... heart beating like rap song.... bibi bopbop...=="' tat night 11.30pm suddenly got an idea. put a small fashion show in video then put in slide.. call KC wear frm T-shirt to formal cloth ^^ video taping untill vry high.... and the video actually was working... vry pro like tat...
'this video is not suitable for this program'
wasted time..
cant put in slide liao... wat to do...? back to script lo... memorize til 1.30am. fell asleep liao (==,)zzz
WEDNESDAY..! woke up... wear formal cloth... love the look shaun! leng zai enuf...XD
then happily go to S109.... presenting in a class ==..... speechless... so low class.
i was chosen to be one of the ppl to take the number card infront of the camera== like a model meh~ rama said i should bcom a model. lolx...
getting nervous & nervous lor... den when my group's turn....
LUNCH BREAK. @#%$*&^!$ but good thing was we can do one last rehearsal.
after tat... A very good afternoon to....blablabla... lalalala.... this is the end of my presentation. thank you ^^
so happy .
took some pic. then DOTA! after tat.... my favourite time had come...
go there... feel shy shy. Lydia(the head) ask us wat we wan learn..
me & pai....breakdance + poping
KC & jia quan....MJ's Billie Jeans.
other galz i forgot wat they dance liao @@
so we started lor. first of all.... they show us some moves. omg... so difficult..(==,)
learn learn xia.... eh? vry fun wor.... but SUPER TIRE leh... the most basic "the frog" OMG . cant even do it . haha...so vry 'cha sui' T_T
OK la.... finish liao. whole body sweating >< my left leg CRAMPED ! OH NO! haf to perform wat we learn somemore.... sei lor! no choice lor... act pro n dance it... mana tau de 6 step dance. my leg pain until cannot dance...so just pretend lor. act like nth happen.
tat day went back... online fb again. then straight go sleep.... so tire.
woke up.... feeling good~~~
AIYAYA!! 12pm !! 12.30 haf to go nilai spring to do some parlimen thingy.... rush go wear the formal cloth again. call munyee's bf send me to campus...
go to the guard house for temperature test.. giv the lady guard laugh... bcos?
wearing a tie... hair luan luan...wearing Nike basketball shoe.... say : sekarang punya budak.. fasion banyak banyak saja...
HOIYO!! fashion mai fashion lor... u think evrybody like u meh.... OLD FASHION!
then rush to Admin block.... lucky can made it.
the parlimen can one word describe all... BOOOORRRRRINNNNNNGGGGG.! but going there oso got one good thing la... is that we can take this group photo =) so nice.
OKOK la... write enuf la.. too long vry boring oso de.. so... its time to say good bye then~~ ^^ bb
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