no choice lo...
life goes on~ ><
lets talk about CNY holiday~
CNY holiday is a holiday that bla bla bla... >< =="
No la!
talk about what had happen during CNY holiday ok?
well.... quite fun and quite sien oso got ==
how describe leh?
rojak feeling la~
GAMBLE~ wakakakaka
$$ alot o~ win win win... this year vry huat tiam~ ^^
holiday "fun" plan fail alot ==
only manage to hang out with college fren chenge,T@yS, & 雷门 ><
tats all lo.....
wan go bai nian with fren oso hard nia.... no transport ZZZZzzz
holiday-ing till half still need to go back college for 2 hour presentation..zz
sucks~ ><
2 hour class bcom 1 hour class somemore... wasted my time! ==
den finally... 3pm!
fetch the 3 college buddies go Seremban for a tour XD
first! go my dad's shop to take the key~ ><
den brrooomm~~ ^^ start engine only~ hehe

fetch them go Celcom center to fetch raymond...
den next destination is ying lan's house...^^
go there.... bai bai nian....
den raymond & Yong soon wan buy protection for families @@
ok?~ while chenge was busy-ing sapu candy n snacks ...
wakakak.... nice appetite o! haha
Next! my house ..^^
play xia play xia...quite nice~
dog hamsap yong soon ^^ haha... sry... funny dao forgot took picture.. XD
den go in again let them sapu all the snacks~ good good!
sit sit xia...
go play the drum ...
cos all dunno play... so the sound kind of sucks~ lol...
ltr neighbour thing my house kena rapped ==
anyway... move on~
go jusco to watch wolfman.... manatau... FULL!
aduh== suan le ba~ den come the idea of BOWLING... xd haha...
quite fun ... haha
i got the highest score XD wakakaka
chenge first time play oso get 2nd place.... GENG!
den after that...
play the punching game... wakaka....
all take own picture den hit ownself == ><
again me got high score... happy nia~ ^^haha
den play alot of shooting game.... lolx
play xia den all game over...
quite cha sui~ ><
den play drum with Yong soon... hehe....
win again XD
lucky day~ lolx...
den finally... go 冰点 makan dinner...
chenge! pity him... so big saiz... but the food order is smaller than his palm ><
u imagine la~ lucky got fries and the fries sucks too!
den see yong soon call his "honey" ...
dam sweet de~ lolx...
den finally....
the day is late... and i fetch them go back nilai><
ON the Way home! shit....
exactly a dam big de lorry spoilt at the toll there! make me cant go in!
tat toll jus 2 minute away from my home~!
but i had no choice but to take a longer way...
scare me tat time cos no drive to JB de high way b4 ==
finally see the sign board say PORT DICKSON....
straight like tokyo drift i drift to tat toll ...XD haha
jus when i thought i am out of trouble~
after toll... ==
i found out that all the sign board de name.....
i dunno one of them @@ omg lo~
turn here turn there... lost edi ... shit
den try 1 last time...
FINALLY! i see one i know the sign.....
to : PEDAS! wahaha... finally
straight head tat direction...
and happily ever after de reach home... XD haha